Off-beat musings of the new normal

Welcome to our world!

We are Elle and Emmie, two fascinating and curious individuals known to some as “weird hermits”. What? Who says? Just because we value our own health and sanity, we are weird? We refuse to believe that our approach to life, which is informed by the insanity of the past decade, is strange. Perhaps we are the sane ones, no?

In the weeks and months to come, we will explore some of the things that make our approach to life somewhat unique. Perhaps you will find some common threads, some words of wisdom, a familiar worldview, or just an affirmation that you are not the only weird or strange individual navigating through this politically charged, Covid-conscious landscape in a non-mainstream fashion.

You are not alone!

If you would rather walk a solitary path than congregate with mindless crowds, you are not alone.

If you would choose a room full of musty old books over a sticky, loud bar every day and night of the week, you are not alone.

If you have begun to question everything you have ever been taught by your family, religion, teachers, bosses, and even your sometimes-former friends, you are not alone.

The world out there is a strange and often frightening place. It has changed, and so have we. In fact, we view with increasing suspicion anyone who acts and talks like the world hasn’t changed. If this is also your approach, join us in our exploration of a new world of voluntary hermits!

We don’t hate interacting with most people, as we are sure you don’t either. We would just rather not be around too many people most of the time. Weird? Maybe. Anti-social? It may look like that. Smart and forward-thinking? Definitely.

Anyway, don’t forget to check back frequently as we find new ways to explore this shifting worldscape we’ve all entered.

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